38 to label in spanish
Free Spanish Labels - Printable Spanish Labels for language learning Immerse yourself in the language and expand your Spanish vocabulary. You'll be speaking Spanish and making new connections in no time! Select the room type you want to label in Spanish. Pick the label type that will best help you learn Spanish. Print and cut out the labels, then attach to objects. Choose your room… KITCHEN BEDROOM LIVING ROOM label - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context Translation of "label" in Spanish etiqueta sello discográfica marca etiquetado sello discográfico disquera rótulo etiquetar calificar marcar rotular tildar denominar calificar de nombre One of them had a biohazard label. Uno de ellos tenía una etiqueta de riesgo biológico. This version comes with Parental Advisory label.
label | translate English to Spanish: Cambridge Dictionary Translation of label | GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary label noun [ countable ] / ˈleɪbəl/ a tag or sticker on a product etiqueta [ feminine, singular ] Check the label for washing instructions. Revise las instrucciones de lavado en la etiqueta. a brand or trademark marca [ feminine, singular ] designer labels marcas de diseño

To label in spanish
The New Nutrition Facts Label | FDA The New Nutrition Facts Label | FDA The New Nutrition Facts Label En Español (Spanish) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods and... Label in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict label Noun 1. (also fig) a. la etiqueta (F) 2. (of record company) a. el casa discográfica, sello discográfico (M) transitive verb 3. (parcel, bottle) (United States) a. etiquetar 4. (describe) a. tildar de the bottle was labeled "poison"la botella tenía una etiqueta que decía "veneno" to label somebody a liar tildar a alguien de mentiroso (a) PDF Label Things Around the House - Spanish for You! el enchufe el buzón el patio el sótano el cielo el inodoro el lavabo la bañera la ducha la toalla la lámpara el sofá el sillón la silla la mesa
To label in spanish. labels - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context Translation of "labels" in Spanish. etiquetas sellos etiqueta marcas rótulos etiquetado discográficas califica denominaciones. Escobas y escobillas. Labels disqueras. marca contraetiquetas etiquetar. Other translations. Suggestions. eco-labels 176. One Security Label and three additional bar code labels. How to say label in Spanish? How to say label in Spanish? ˈleɪ bəl la·bel Would you like to know how to translate label to Spanish? This page provides all possible translations of the word label in the Spanish language. etiquetar, etiqueta, rótulo, rotular Spanish Discuss this label English translation with the community: 0 Comments Notify me of new comments via email. LABEL - Translation in Spanish - bab.la "label" translation into Spanish EN "label" in Spanish volume_up label {vb} ES volume_up apodar rotular volume_up label {v.t.} ES volume_up etiquetar ponerle una etiqueta a volume_up label {noun} ES volume_up etiqueta rótulo marbete marchamo sello discográfico marca volume_up labeling {noun} ES volume_up rotulación etiquetado etiquetaje volume_up What would be a good Spanish translation for "label"? label means etiqueta: that is a sticker or the paper used to show the price of a pair of jeans in a shop (physical). etiqueta can also be used to put something or someone into a group (like a rock band, or a pop band... that's una etiqueta as well), but that's also known as a tag (abstract).
label - Spanish translation - Linguee The label contains the washing instructions. La etiqueta contiene las instrucciones de lavado. I stuck a label on the box to indicate its content. Pegué una etiqueta en la caja para indicar el contenido. How to say label in Spanish - WordHippo What's the Spanish word for label? Here's a list of translations. Spanish Translation etiqueta More Spanish words for label la etiqueta noun tag, tab, etiquette, ticket, formality etiquetar verb label rotular verb mark, letter, ticket calificar verb qualify, rate, score, grade, mark el rótulo noun sign, lettering, ticket, trace, tally Spanish Translation Guide for Pesticide Labeling | US EPA The guide is written in a universal form of Spanish to reach as many Spanish speakers as possible and provides translations for language typically used in the health and safety sections of pesticide product labels. Additional pesticide-related Spanish translation resources are offered by the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative. etiqueta in Spanish is "LABEL". Find accurate translations, clear ... Translation of label in Spanish: label etiqueta, n. Pronunciation /ˈleɪbəl/ /ˈleɪb (ə)l/ See Spanish definition of etiqueta noun 1 1.1 (on bottle, file) etiqueta feminine (on bottle, file) rótulo masculine (on clothing, luggage) etiqueta feminine (on clothing, luggage) marbete masculine sticky label — etiqueta autoadhesiva More example sentences
label translation in Spanish | English-Spanish dictionary | Reverso label. a n. 1 (on merchandise, luggage, clothing) etiqueta f. sticky label etiqueta f adhesiva. warning label etiqueta f de advertencia. → address → C. → luggage → B. 2 (=brand) marca f. these products are sold under our own label estos productos se venden como parte de nuestra propia marca. label in Spanish | English-Spanish translator | Nglish by Britannica marca - mark, brand, make, trademark, record (in sports) etiquetar - to label poner etiqueta a calificar - to grade, to describe, to rate, to qualify, to modify (in grammar) tildar - to brand as, to call tachar - to cross out, to delete HOUSE LABEL in Spanish Translation Label tubes with house number or ID. cfsph.iastate.edu. Etiquete los tubos con el número o la identificación del galpón antes de su uso. cfsph.iastate.edu. Don't let your dog pee in the house and label anything you put in the fridge. Qué tu perro no se orine en la casa y etiqueta lo que metas al refri. Spanish Language Label Me! Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com A Label Me! Printout Label the colors in Spanish. Answers Compass Directions in Spanish Label the compass directions in Spanish. Answers The Computer in Spanish Label the keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, microphone, and scanner in Spanish. Answers Containers in Spanish Label the bag, bottle, box, can, carton, jar, spray can, and tube in Spanish.
Label In Spanish Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers Each label includes a picture as well as the English and Spanish word. This is great reinforcement for students who are in dual language or students who take a Spanish class as a special. This is also just a great way for teachers to expose their students to a second language. What an easy way to do it!
Label the Clothes in Spanish - Enchanted Learning Use the word bank below to label the clothes (la ropa) in Spanish. Extra Information. Word Bank. el bolso, el botón, el cinturón, el collar, el cordón, el pasador, el zapato, la blusa, la camisa, la corbata, la falda, la hebilla, la pulsera, los lentes, los pantalones. Other Links:
PDF prescription label translations - Spanish The California Endowment, in an effort to support quality labels for those who do not read English, funded a project with national patient literacy researchers to develop and vet translations of the standardized directions for use that are contained in the board's patient-centered label requirements. While every effort
label - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com label n. noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (tag: clothing) etiqueta nf. nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. The label says to wash the sweater in cold water.
"to put a label on" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary Similar translations for "to put a label on" in Spanish put noun opción de enajenación - opción de venta - lanzamiento put verb metido to put verb depositar - echar - instalar - lanzar - zampar - zampuzar - poner - colocar - meter - echar (añadir) - decir - exponer - presentar A noun
to label something - Spanish translation - Linguee Many translated example sentences containing "to label something" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.
Reading a Nutrition Facts Label - Spanish - novoMEDLINK Reading a Nutrition Facts Label - Spanish. Download. Share. A link has been copied to your clipboard. Paste it into your email or chat app to share. Close. A step-by-step overview of a Nutrition Facts label, to help your patients who speak Spanish learn how to choose foods that fit their meal plan. Additional Information
How to say "mailing label" in Spanish - WordHippo mailing label. Spanish Translation. etiqueta de correo. Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce ...
Spanish Translation of "label" | Collins English-Spanish Dictionary label [ˈleɪbl ] noun 1. (on merchandise, luggage, clothing) etiqueta f sticky label etiqueta f adhesiva warning label etiqueta f de advertencia see also address compounds, luggage compounds 2. (= brand) marca f these products are sold under our own label estos productos se venden como parte de nuestra propia marca
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